Keybord Shortcuts key in Microsoft Word

In today's world, computers are almost a necessity. You must be familiar with the Windows operating system. Using keyboard shortcuts makes working with them even more convenient. How many shortcuts do you know? While you may have used Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V hundreds of times, you may not know about other useful shortcuts in Windows. Actually, there are tons of useful shortcuts in Windows that are easy to learn and practice. Let's have a look at them.

Shortcuts in Microsoft Word

1. Ctrl + A: Selects all in the current document

2. Ctrl + B: Bold text

3. Ctrl + C: Copies the item or text

4. Ctrl + D: Displays the Font dialogue box

5. Ctrl + E: Switch a paragraph between center and left alignment

6. Ctrl + F: Displays the Find dialog box to search the current document

7. Ctrl + G: Displays the Go To dialog box to search for a specific location in the current document

8. Ctrl + H: Displays the Replace dialogue box

9. Ctrl + I: Italicize text

10. Ctrl + J: Switch a paragraph between justified and left alignment

11. Ctrl + K: Create a hyperlink

12. Ctrl + L: Left align a paragraph

13. Ctrl + M: Indent a paragraph from the left

14. Ctrl + N: Create a new document

15. Ctrl + O: Opens a new document

16. Ctrl + P: Prints a document

17. Ctrl + R: Switch the alignment of a paragraph between left and right

18. Ctrl + S: Saves a document

19. Ctrl + U: Underlines text

20. Ctrl + V: Pastes the copied item or text

21. Ctrl + X: Cuts the selected item or text

22. Ctrl + Y: Redo the last action

23. Ctrl + Z: Undo the last action

24. Ctrl + Enter: Insert a page break

25. Ctrl + F2: Select Print Preview command

26. Ctrl + F4: Closes the active window

27. Ctrl + F6: Opens the next window if multiple are open

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